
Star trek beyond watch early
Star trek beyond watch early

star trek beyond watch early

After the vessel crash landed on Earth, the surviving members of the crew secretly used the Vulcan communicators in Carbon Creek, Pennsylvania, a nearby small mining town in the United States of America. Some of these early Vulcan communicators were among equipment owned by the crew of a Vulcan survey ship.

star trek beyond watch early

The Vulcans had communicators as early as 1957. In the final draft script of "Terra Prime", an Andorian communicator was referred to as being "spanned shut" in one scene, though the final configuration of the device evidently wouldn't have allowed this, as it wasn't a type of communicator which opened and closed. ( TOS: " A Taste of Armageddon", " Errand of Mercy", " Elaan of Troyius" ENT: " Fallen Hero", " Marauders", " Precious Cargo", " The Catwalk", " Extinction", " Rajiin", " Chosen Realm", " Proving Ground", " Storm Front", " Storm Front, Part II", " Borderland", " United", " Affliction", " Bound", " Terra Prime" Star Trek Beyond) An Enolian communicator, for instance, could double as a remote control for handcuffs. Other species also possessed similar communicator devices. Activation and deactivation of the communicator was by hand gestures. ( TNG: " Encounter at Farpoint", " Yesterday's Enterprise", et al.)īy the 32nd century, the technology for the communicator had been miniaturized to the point where it could be included with other functions in the tricom badge. Users no longer had to speak directly into the communicator, but rather could activate and deactivate them with the touch of a finger. ( TOS: " Dagger of the Mind")īy the 24th century, these communication devices were integrated into the standard uniform badges and became known as combadges. When the screen was deactivated, the communicator signal was enabled. ( ENT: " Detained") Communicators could be jammed by a security screen, the like of which was employed at the Tantalus Colony. ( TOS: " Friday's Child") Usage of a communicator, while receiving and outputting a signal, could be hidden from sensors by triaxilating the signal. When used in tandem, two communicators could produce a sonic disruption by using sound beams to create a sympathetic vibration in an unstable object, such as a cliff face. ( TNG: " The Drumhead") Communicators were also often used to allow transporter locks for beaming, thus acting as homing transponders. ( ENT: " The Communicator") For another example, when accessing a computer, the communicator of the person at the terminal logged in the user information, thereby making it possible to trace back who accessed the computer. By 2152, for instance, the power signature of a Starfleet communicator could be amplified by an inverse carrier wave, making the communicator detectable by sensors. In some cases, communicators served purposes beyond basic communication. In the alternate reality, Starfleet communicators could also receive text messages. ( TOS: " A Piece of the Action") The communicator also had a gain control. ( TOS: " The Cage", et al.) Once it was flipped open, it locked onto the originating ship's communications system. ( TOS: " Mirror, Mirror", et al.)Įmploying a flip-top design, a member of Starfleet spoke directly into the device to give commands and speak with other personnel.

Star trek beyond watch early portable#

Portable communicators were used by Starfleet landing parties and away teams occasionally, communicators were used in situations where normal intra-ship communications were inaccessible (or inadvisable), during the 22nd and 23rd centuries.

star trek beyond watch early

  • 5.1.2 Developments for Phase II and early films.

  • Star trek beyond watch early